Veggie Tofu Noodle Soup

Soups Chowders Stews


If you’re cooking for a baby under 12 months, omit salt and salty ingredients like soy sauce and fish sauce. Grown-ups and big kids can add them at the table. Once your little one is 1 year, you can begin adding some salt to the recipes.

A couple of these recipes call for you to cook, release the pressure, add more ingredients, and reseal the pot. The contents of the pot will be too hot for the lid to immediately lock on securely with the pressure valve down. Wait about five minutes and you should be good to go. The pot will come up to pressure more quickly than when you began cooking since the contents are already heated.

Remember, food that comes out of the multicooker is hot! Be sure to allow time for the meal to cool before serving, especially for your baby.